2025 Job Listing !

click above title to learn more about Wednesday-Friday farm work!

Produce that feeds Land, Body, & Community

A Certified Organic farm specializing in greens & herbs, and a community space, The Hive, waiting for you.

For over 20 years, we’ve been a production farm, specializing in produce for chefs and farmers’ markets in Midcoast and Southern Maine. In 2018 we moved to our forever land in Bowdoinham.

We love vegetables & herbs that are small, intensely flavored, and often pushing the boundaries of the norm.

THE HIVE is our dream of bringing inspired dinner conversations to life. A newly built timber framed space, we have programs for you, as well as a space for you to rent in the middle of our working farm.

Workshops, Events, Rentals

We believe that the more connected we are to our food source, the more we allow ourselves to touch, taste, feel, and sense the environment around us, the healthier we are. Building this awareness is hard and takes time, and sometimes being in the company of others helps. The Hive, a building to gather in, is our version of the modern grange and a place where we can practice what we preach.

Learn about Dandelion Spring Farm

Farmers’ Markets & Wholesale to Chefs

A place for building community. Dancing. Eating.

Workshop & Event Sign-ups. Herbs to ship. CSA for market.

Located in Bowdoinham, Maine.

Just 40 minutes from Portland, a stone’s throw from Augusta, Lewiston, Brunswick, Damariscotta, and on hour from Camden-Rockland.


961 Ridge Rd
Bowdoinham, ME 04008


RSVP for classes and special events, buy herbal products online, or buy your CSA share!


Interested in renting The Hive or teaching? Let us know and someone will reach out.